I haven't posted in a long time. I have been focusing very intensely on my career. I've found, as much as I want to stay healthy, maintain energy, attend dance, yoga, and swim, I need to find a different sort of balance. The kind that allows me to get back on track when I've strayed away slightly.

It's easy to say, just go to class, or just eat healthy, or just get out and go running.

I have a new job. For the past four months I've worked very hard at learning my job and managing staff and volunteers. I am self-guided and work on multiple projects each day. I am very productive but sometimes find myself working very intensely. Yes, there is a lot to do, all the time. How can I remain balanced, or more appropriately, how can I get back into balance if I have gone beyond break time?

Each day I do my best to:
  • take my breaks
  • drink a lot of good clean water
  • get up and walk around often
  • get water or tea often
  • talk with others in the library, staff and patrons
  • go outside
  • take deep breaths
If your job is like mine and you have a long commute, how can you manage the stress of driving?
One librarian friend of mine says she takes deep breaths in and slow breaths out. Breath in Joy, breath out Thank You.

What about books on tape? I tried this. I got one book on tape I thought I wanted to listen to and found that some days I didn't feel like listening to it. Instead I turned on NPR or just sat in silence (which I like). The same librarian friend said I should get two or three books on tape and play the one I'm in the mood for. Great idea!

Balance your work with things you love:

These are the things that rejuvenate me:
  • yoga
  • eating healthy food
  • drinking good clean water
  • dance
  • gardening
  • walking/jogging
  • meeting friends
  • seeing my family
  • meditating 
The trick is to commit to doing these things. I am making the commitment.

How do you stay balanced and healthy in a busy life?

                                                                                     Image from Google Images: moosin.net