One of my favorite times of the year is between Christmas and the New Year. All of the "Holiday Stuff" is over but the magic is still here. In fact, it's only just beginning.

Now is the time when we can set our intentions for the New Year. We can catch up with those people that we love and perhaps missed seeing on Christmas. We can play before too much work gets piled up.

We can Hope,



Breathe, Sigh,

Welcome into our lives whatever we wish to embody.

With New Years Blessings,

I was touched and moved by seeing my dear friends on Facebook today. One in particular is in the midst of Labor! And she is writing and sharing her experiences with us all. It is the most amazing thing I've experienced in, well ever. I mean, how often do we get to be involved in someone's life over the internet to this degree?

Sending love and peace to everyone in this most amazing time.

And lighting a candle and sending prayers to Carolina and Maia--on her way into this blessed world.

We have heard for years about the relaxing benefits of yoga. Last night I tried out a new yoga class. I was looking forward to an invigorating yoga class that would get my mind off of what was going on in my head and allow me to move through my "stuff." I've taken classes that would help me do this. But the one I took last night was slow.

Slo-o-w -w -w -w -w. Very Slow. First we meditated. Then we contemplated. Then we were asked to "notice" this and "notice" that. I had to wonder if it is possible to feel too much.

For those of you who are highly sensitive, know your body, and already know what things feel like--physical, emotional, you name it, might I suggest a good brisk walk, the treadmill, or jumping jacks?

After the hour and a quarter yoga class, my mind was still spinning and I was even more eager for a run around the block. So I went to the gym and did another 45 minutes on the machines and finally felt relaxed.

Yes, I would totally recommend yoga. For everyone. But pay attention to your mood. Do you need to relax (
rejuvenating or restorative yoga) or move through challenging poses to quiet your mind and get the "stuff" out? (Vinyasa, for one)

Take good care and do what you need to do to relax, enjoy, and find peace.


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Here is my new website.



It's Thanksgiving day.



In Peace

In Honor

In Prayer
I am thankful for all of the abundance and love in my life.
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A wonderful dance teacher of mine said today, "If you're not grounded, all kinds of funky things can happen." (Dana Lawton)

I love it when dancer's wisdom is life wisdom. This is not the first time I've heard wise words come from a dance teacher.

How do you ground yourself? What does it feel like when you're not grounded?

For me, I can tell when I'm not grounded when I feel airy--usually that means I need some protein. Then a walk in nature--in that order.

I also drink Twig Tea, which grounds me.

Taking deep breaths and remembering who I am and what makes my heart sing. That helps too.

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Dear Ones,

So many things can be discovered by looking at our shadows. Whenever I am in a state of uncertainty or when I do not understand the people around me, I look at how I am like them, how I am unlike them, and or how I wish I were more like them. This brings clarity.

An excellent book about shadow work is: The Dark Side of the Light Chasers by Debbie Ford
Dear Ones,

I have officially started my healing business. I look forward to working with you and to sharing my thoughts and experiences in this healing dance.
