We just had a marvelous trip from the East Bay, CA to Seattle and back. Had great visits with friends and family. Saw some really pretty sights. Toured two wonderful libraries. And sat a lot while driving!

Having just taken three yoga classes and two dance classes the week prior to driving, I thought I'd be prepped enough to handle a week without yoga and dance. I did jog and stretch, thank God! But upon returning home had a rib out. Yes, one of my ribs was out of place and most of the last day of driving was painful. Two chiropractic visits and a modern dance class later I finally feel normal. But what a way to learn that sitting and twisting to reach things from the back seat was not good for my body.

Lessons I've learned:
  • Take yoga on the road with me when I travel. Don't just bring a mat with me in the car. Do the Yoga!
  • Find local dance and yoga classes to attend in the cities that I visit.
  • Stretch before and after sitting.
I'm also looking forward to doing a yoga teacher training. As soon as my local yoga studio announces they have one, I'm signing up!

In peace and good health,


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